Friday, November 1, 2013

thoothukudi district industries center

District Industries Centre

Head of Office : General Manager
Address :
District Industries Centre,Thoothukudi
Near By Pass Road
Thoothukudi     Pin.628 101
Phone No : 0461- 2340053 , 2340152
Email :
Web site :
Department Profile

The basic objective of the MSME Department of the Govt. of Tamilnadu is to achieve massive increase in employment by promoting Micro , Small , Medium Enterprises and Rural Industries.

Our mission is to accelerate development in the district  by maximizing investment, output, growth, employment and manufacturing competitiveness through infrastructure and human resources development in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises sector.
The District Industries Centre is the institution at the District level, which provides all the services and support facilities to the entrepreneur for setting up of micro small and medium enterprises. This includes identification of suitable schemes , preparation of feasibility reports , arrangements for credit facilities , machinery and equipment , provision of raw materials and extension service.

The District Industries Centre , Thoothukudi has been pursuing the basic objectives by assisting for optimum utilization in existing industries , faster promotion of new MSME and Village Industries with a rural base and by increasing the employment opportunities in Small Industries sector.

The small entrepreneurs require  various types of assistance right from the selection of an item for manufacture , inputs like credit , raw materials , power land and building etc., Under the new scheme of District Industries Centre the entrepreneur can get such assistance through one agency.

The General Manager is assisted by Functional Manager , Field Officers and other supporting staff in District Industries Centre.

Objectives of District Industries Centre (DIC):

The important objectives of DICs are as follow :
i. Accelerate the overall efforts for industrialisation of the district.
ii. Rural industrialisation and development of rural industries and handicrafts.
iii. Attainment of economic equality in various regions of the district.
iv. Providing the benefit of the government schemes to the new entrepreneurs.
v. Centralisation of procedures required to start a new industrial unit and minimisation- of the efforts and time required to obtain various permissions, licenses, registrations, subsidies etc.

The main functions of District Industries Center are,
#  Acts as the focal point of the industrialisation of the district.

# Prepares the industrial profile of the district

# Statistics and information about existing industrial units in the district in the large, Medium, small as well as co-operative sectors.

#  Opportunity guidance to entrepreneurs

#Compilation of information about local sources of raw materials and their availability.

#Manpower assessment with respect to skilled, semi-skilled workers.

#Assessment of availability of infrastructure facilities like quality testing, research and development, transport, prototype development, warehouse etc.

# Conducting Motivation campaigns.

# Counseling and guiding the entrepreneurs

# Issuing Part I EM Acknowledgements to micro, small and medium enterprises by
manual and online.

# Issuing Part II EM Acknowledgements to micro, small and medium enterprises which commenced production by manual and online.

# Conducting Single Window Committee Meeting periodically to get the clearances fast from different agencies like TNEB, local body etc.,

# Preparing technical feasibility report, whenever the financial institution ask for.

# Issuing registration certificate for Cottage Industries

# Issuing registration certificates for Handicrafts Industries

# Conducting task force committees to select the beneficiaries under Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Program (PMEGP) for the unemployed youth, to set up manufacturing and service industries by tying up with financial institutions for loan assistance with subsidies.

# Conducting task force committees to select the beneficiaries under Unemployed Youth Employment Generation Program (UYEGP) for the unemployed educated youth, to set up manufacturing, service and business enterprises by tying up with financial institutions for loan assistance with subsidies.

# Giving incentives such as state capital subsidy, LTPT power tariff subsidy, generator subsidy, VAT subsidy etc., to Micro and Small enterprises in Thoothukudi district

# Conducting entrepreneur development program at selected institutes for the probable entrepreneur.

# Conducting seminars, work shops, etc., on industrial development and related subjects.

# Formation of industrial co-operatives societies

# Recommending the industries for district level and state level awards

# Identifying the sick units and assisting them, through district sick units declaration

# Assisting the Micro, Small and Medium enterprises to get their long pending dues from their borrowers through regional industrial facilitation council. Assisting SC/ST entrepreneur under Twenty point programme.

# Conducting regular meeting with local SSI association to solve any particular problem.

# Assisting the banks in recovering the dues from the PMRY /PMEGP/ UYEGP beneficiaries by conducting regular recovery campaigns

# Associating with various Department / Government agencies like TAHDCO, TABCEDCO etc., for the upliftment of the entrepreneur belonging to the socially weaker sections

# Identifying and developing cluster of industries under cluster development programme

# Operating Export Guidance & promotion Cell in District Industries Centre, Thoothukudi to provide guidance to develop exports of various products manufactured by Industries

Target and Achievements for the year 2008-09 to 2012-13
PMEGP Scheme

Target Achievement
  Nos MM
No of
2008-09 43 51.81 432 26 30.26 118
2009-10 99 104.00 290 98 169.43 826
2010-11 29 41.61 290 80 206.59 658
UYEGP Scheme

Target Achievement
  Nos Subsidy No of
Project Cost Subsidy
2010-11 75 39.75lakhs 29 54.53lakhs 8.18 lakhs
2011-12 203 45.00 346 98.24 98.24
2012-13 150 45.00 420 110.77 110.77

Capital Subsidy LTPT Subsidy Generator Subsidy VAT Subsidy
Achievement Target
Achievement Target
Achievement Target
Nos Amt. Nos Amt. Nos Amt.   Nos Amt.
2008-09 41.00 9 40.45 0.02 1 0.02 - - - - - -
2009-10 82.75 12 82.75 6.70 13 5.72 5.15 6 4.01 - - -
2010-11 71.00 14 71.00 8.00 22 8.00 12.69 14 12.69 2.00 2 0.14
2011-12 100.00 9 61.36 10.00 25 8.00 15.00 14 9.38 2.00 1 0.34
2012-13 129.80 11 129.80 11.73 34 11.73 32.03 28 32.03 2.00 3 0.45

The Regional Testing Laboratory, Thoothukudi was set up at as per the conversion G.O. Ms.No.649 Industrial (STA-1) Department dated 19.11.1992 from the erstwhile State Research Station for Salt and Marine Chemicals, Thoothukudi and functioning from 01.04.1993 in the State Research Station building 
The Laboratory is functioning here for catering the needs of Micro, Small and Medium  Enterprises and other industries of the southern  districts viz., Thoothukudi, Tirunelveli, Kannayakumari and Ramanathapuram. The Laboratory is now undertaking sample for analysis as described below from various categories of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and other private parties.

  1. Purity of Sodium Chloride in common salt and Iodised Salt Bittern and Salt
      Allied chemicals.
  1. Head composition i.e. Potassium Chlorate content in safety matches to renew
the license of ‘C’  class match units and increase in production capacity in  respect of other     classes.
  1. Lime and Lime products.
  2. Coal, Coke and Coconut shell charcoal.
  3. Calcite, Dolomite, Feldspar, Gypsum and other Minerals.
  4. Bleaching powder and Alum and miscellaneous samples.
  5. Water samples for construction and drinking purpose.
  6. Construction materials from Central and State Govt. Departments.

Besides the above, samples are being received from the Exporters and  Importers and also from those who are setting up new salt pans as part of their expansion programme around Thoothukudi.
More industries of this region i.e. this district and neighboring districts began to utilize the services of this Regional Testing Laboratory. 

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